
Opinione pozitive: 10/10

Rezervime te pranuara: 42/44

11 publikime te hapura

Nuk ka te ndjekur


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Die Übergabe am Flughafen Tirana hat reibungslos geklappt. Der Wagen hatte zwar schon über 200.000 km gefahren, aber hat uns wundervoll jeden Tag von A nach B gebracht. Als am vorletzten Tag ein Problem mit dem Motor auftrat, kam sofort ein Mitarbeiter und hat das Fahrzeug getauscht. Die angefallenen Taxikosten haben wir ebenfalls anstandslos wiederbekommen. Großes Lob an diesen Vermieter!!

nslashan34 rreth publikimit wolkswagen turan 5 muaj me pare.
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Everything was ok

ovidiul rreth publikimit A Klas 6 muaj me pare.
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Transaction nickel ! Bonne voiture.


sabrinam5 rreth publikimit Dodge stratus 6 muaj me pare.
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Everything was fine, car was in better condition than we expected. Good contact with Ardian, highly recommend .

aleksandras6 rreth publikimit Honda civic 6 muaj me pare.
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Happy with service

Highly recommend, much cheaper than renting from car rental companies

motazs rreth publikimit Chevrolet hhr 6 muaj me pare.
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Not the best car, but i reached with it from Airport to Sarande and back. Thx

cristiana3 rreth publikimit wolkswagen polo 6 muaj me pare.
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Everythhing was very good. Ardiank was always contactable. He is absolutely advisable and trustworthy person to rent a car.

pablob2 rreth publikimit wolkswagen polo 7 muaj me pare.
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Everything was ok. Very good contact.

konradm1 rreth publikimit Dodge stratus 7 muaj me pare.
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Everything was ok, thanks a lot.

vojtechp1 rreth publikimit wolkswagen polo 7 muaj me pare.
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It was ok!

ferench rreth publikimit Honda civic 7 muaj me pare.