Albania Rentals: 3574 Cars from €5/day Tirana Airport

Tirana   Saranda   Durres   Vlora   Shkodra

 No Credit Card    Full Insurance

Our top rated providers
amarildol1 amarildol1 amarildol1 (929) (929 bookings) check all cars
lakir lakir lakir (729) (729 bookings) check all cars
begih begih begih (659) (659 bookings) check all cars
regonta regonta regonta (600) (600 bookings) check all cars
ilirn ilirn ilirn (564) (564 bookings) check all cars
arbenm arbenm arbenm (455) (455 bookings) check all cars
ervinl1 ervinl1 ervinl1 (443) (443 bookings) check all cars
ermalh1 ermalh1 ermalh1 (342) (342 bookings) check all cars
halims halims halims (309) (309 bookings) check all cars
ertin ertin ertin (148) (148 bookings) check all cars

Quick facts

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Most economical
Most economical

haxhib ( €5 )
Best rated provider
Best rated provider

lakir ( 100% )

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What our customers are saying

Every thing went smoothly. Just that next time, I will request to be picked from the airport, instead of needing to walk to the car rental

naimf naimf for ervinl1

Car pick up and delivery went very smooth, no problems at all. Overall very good service! See you next year! Thanks!

iulianao iulianao for ervinl1

Tutto perfetto! Macchina ok Danilo gentilissimo! Consigliatissimo

serenam1 serenam1 for danil

Really good customer service, always responsive whenever we had any questions, very smooth experience, would use again

colmr colmr for samersetk

Excellente expérience. Personne agréable organisée, toujours disponible et arrangeante, je recommande !

lenaigg lenaigg for elviraa

Everything went Great with the car, the owner Arben is such a nice person. Than you and hope to see you again !

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