
Welcome to our site.
We are a small car rental company. Our goal is for every customer to be satisfied with our cars and service. If you want to travel safely and with economical prices, contact us. 24h service in Tirana-Durres-Rinas. Technical assistance at every moment from receiving the car to delivery.

Opinione pozitive: 94/99

Rezervime te pranuara: 317/328

14 publikime te hapura

12 njerez te ndjekur


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Minden rendben volt. Alesia, és csapata segítőkész. Kijöttek értünk a reptérre. Az autó tiszta volt, jó állapotú. Mindenkinek javaslom!

szabof rreth publikimit FIAT CROMA 4 muaj me pare.
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Jam shum i knaqur me sherbimin ë alesia cdo gje prefekte dhe cmimi arsyshem

shpetimd1 rreth publikimit FIAT CROMA 4 muaj me pare.
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Good car

thomasw rreth publikimit Grand Punto 1.3 diesel 5 muaj me pare.
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All was as it was hired with Alesia , they picked us up and dropped at the airport gate , we have been in touch via WhatsApp, and they answered in seconds to any questions.

mriap rreth publikimit FORD FOCUS 5 muaj me pare.
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Everything Perfect!

laurar rreth publikimit Ford fiesta economic diesel 1.4 5 muaj me pare.
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Absolutely perfect communications from first minute from order car. I recommend. Thank you for your service.

jakubv3 rreth publikimit Ford Focus 5 muaj me pare.
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Everything went smoothly,I recommend the car from Alesia.

jitkak3 rreth publikimit Volkswagen Golf VI Black 5 muaj me pare.
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Really good

piotrw11 rreth publikimit Golf 5 5 muaj me pare.
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Good experience, good car, good value.

chrisd rreth publikimit Ford fiesta economic diesel 1.4 6 muaj me pare.
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It was great, Alésia was waiting for us in front of the airport with the car that I have chosen. It was clean and smells good. The car was perfect for our travel to Ksamil and didn't consume a lot of gas. I will definitely go back again to Alesia

younessz rreth publikimit Golf VI 6 muaj me pare.
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Very good!

rominah rreth publikimit Audi A3 1.9 Diesel 6 muaj me pare.
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Wynajęty VW Golf chociaż już nie najnowszy to dzielnie spisał się nam przez 18 dni podróży przez Albanie. Odbiór bez problemu mimo, że zmieniłem miejsce i czas odbioru. Podstawiony na czas do hotelu. Zdanie bez problemu na terenie wypożyczalni z transferem na lotnisko. Dobry kontakt z wypożyczalnią w trakcie wynajmu. Zgoda na wyjazd do Grecji. Polecam.

mariuszb3 rreth publikimit Golf 6 1.6 diesel Automatic 6 muaj me pare.
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Everything went okay! Kind and helpful!

gretar rreth publikimit Ford Fiesta 1.4 Diesel Manual 6 muaj me pare.
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Everything is good

federical3 rreth publikimit Benz B class automatic 6 muaj me pare.
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Tout s’est bien passé merci! Véhicule très propre et agréable à conduire .

bintouf rreth publikimit Renault Modus automatic 6 muaj me pare.
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Everything was good.

raivoa rreth publikimit Audi A3 1.9 Diesel 6 muaj me pare.
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Tout était nickel !

killianz rreth publikimit Ford fiesta economic diesel 1.4 6 muaj me pare.
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Tout c'est bien passé.

La voiture était en bonne état, la communication avec Alésia était de très bonne qualité ! Nous recommandons avec plaisir !

Grâce à cette location nous avons pu découvrir l'Albanie comme il le fallait !

Merci encore :)

mazeratn rreth publikimit Ford Fiesta 1.4 diesel 6 muaj me pare.
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Perfect I truly recommend this agnecy

titouang rreth publikimit Volkswagen Golf VI Black 6 muaj me pare.
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Communication with Alesia was great, she were on whatsap anywhere i need to ask. Pick up of the car was smoothly and on the time. We had Golf 5. Car was a little bit dirty in and out. After couple of days we had troubles with the brakes, every second push of the pedal didnt work. Guys from Alesia comes to us and fixed it. Alesia was very helpful. 7/10

lukasj1 rreth publikimit Golf 5 6 muaj me pare.
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Molto efficente e precisa. Abbiamo avuto un piccolo problema (la vaschetta del tergicristallo perdeva acqua, ma non sapendo che era quella ci siamo spaventati) ha contattato un collega vicino ed è venuto a controllare la macchina. Risolto in mezz'ora. Consigliatissimo

laurag5 rreth publikimit Mercedes Benz A class 6 muaj me pare.
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Niestety auto które wypożyczyliśmy odbiegalo calkowicie od proponowanej oferty. Auto było całe poobijane, światła nie działały, pasy bezpieczeństwa z tyłu było popsute, nie było płynu do spryskiwaczy, nie było możliwości regulowania siedzenia kierowcy, nie było tylnej wycieraczki, bagażnika nie dało się otworzyć. Bak paliwa byl pusty. Jazda tym autem nocą byla niebezpieczna.

kasiag3 rreth publikimit Benz B class automatic 6 muaj me pare.
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everything ok. I highly recommend. great contact, great car. best regards!!

Perdoruesi eshte fshire rreth publikimit Golf 6 1.6 diesel Automatic 6 muaj me pare.
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Everything went smoothly, thanks a lot!

radeks6 rreth publikimit Ford Focus 6 muaj me pare.
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Thx! Everything fine!

ericat rreth publikimit Golf 5 6 muaj me pare.