VW Volkswagen, Tiguan R-Line

Volkswagen Tiguan R-Line 2015, 4Motion:

This 2015 Volkswagen Tiguan R-Line, equipped with the 4Motion system, is a fantastic SUV that represents a powerful combination of performance and elegance. As a sector specialist with 15 years of experience in car rental, I can guarantee that this vehicle will offer an excellent experience for you.

Design and appearance:
The Tiguan R-Line stands out for its modern and dynamic design. The elegant and elegant lines of the R-Line make it look like an advanced SUV. Con il suo colore attractivante e l'attenzione ai dettagli, questo modello offrirà un'ottima presentazione ai tuoi clienti.

Power performance:
With the 4Motion system, the Tiguan offers a perfect driving experience. La sua potenza deriva dal motore potente ed efficiente, che garantia una conforte e stable guida. Il sistema di carico adattivo del motore aumenta l'efficiencia del carburante, rendido una scelta eccellente anche per i lunghi viaggi.

Comfort and Technology:
Internally, the Tiguan R-Line is designed to offer a comfortable environment and a pleasant experience for passengers. The infotainment system, the rich audio system and the automatic climate control make the guide a pleasure. Moreover, l'equipaggiamento di sicurezza di alto livello rende questa vettura una scelta sicura.

User experience:
With an optimal combination of performance, comfort and technology, this Volkswagen Tiguan R-Line del 2015 is an excellent choice for those looking for an SUV with character and style. For your client, this vehicle will offer an unforgettable experience.

Shuma e garancise jashtë sezonit: €40
Shuma e garancise ne sezon: €40
Anullo porosine falas brenda: 3 dite
Kohezgjatja minimale jashte sezonit: 3 dite
Kohezgjatja minimale ne sezon: 3 dite
Ditet ne avance per rezervimin: 0 dite
Viti i prodhimit: 2015
Nr sediljeve: 5
Marshi: Automatik
Nr valixhe te medha: 3
Nr valixhe te vogla: 5
Karburanti: Nafte
Kubatura e motorrit: 2.0
Karrike femijesh : €0/day
Dergese ne aeroport/hotel
Ndihme rrugore
Shofer shtese
Siguracion: detajet
TPL : €0/day
Mini Kasko 70%
Kasko 80%
Siguracion i plotë
Pikat e dorezimit:
Tirane (aeroport) : €0
Tirane : €10
Durres : €10
Vlore : €70
Shkoder : €40
Lezhe : €30
Kukes (aeroport)
Podgorice (aeroport)
Prishtine (aeroport)
Shkup (aeroport)
Orari i punes: 00:00 - 24:00
Kerkohet depozite: Jo
Menyra pagese:
Kartë debiti
Kartë krediti
Lejohet kalim kufiri: Jo