
Our cars are in excellent condition and we provide 24/7 service within the Republic of Albania.

Opinione pozitive: 48/53

Rezervime te pranuara: 189/205

30 publikime te hapura

Nuk ka te ndjekur


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Almost everything was ok.

mateuszs8 rreth publikimit TOYOTA YARIS new199 4 muaj me pare.
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Great service

samt1 rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 4 muaj me pare.
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La communication a été très bonne et réactive . Le transfert s’est très bien passé .

Par contre , j’avais demandé une voiture avec un GPS pour pouvoir faire un Road trip et il n’y en avait pas . Heureusement que ma fille avait pris un forfait internet car sinon nous n’aurions pas pu nous repérer .

licot rreth publikimit MERCEDES A 170CDI AUTOMAT 5 muaj me pare.
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Everything went good, car was in a good condition, clean and very comfortable for big family.

One thing was that the ad said there was no deposit required, but on the spot we were told that there was a 100 euro deposit for each car.

testt3 rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN TOURAN 559 5 muaj me pare.
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Everything went good, car was in a good condition, clean and very comfortable for big family.

One thing was that the ad said there was no deposit required, but on the spot we were told that there was a 100 euro deposit for each car.

testt3 rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN 794 5 muaj me pare.
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Great guys and great money for value, everthing smooth.

gabrielem3 rreth publikimit HONDA 5 muaj me pare.

Thank u

Reply By quickrenta 5 muaj me pare.
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Tutto molto bene ottimo servizio dell’ impiegato Angelo molto gentile.

marinom1 rreth publikimit TOYOTA YARIS new199 5 muaj me pare.


Reply By quickrenta 5 muaj me pare.
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The car is a little tired but it’s ok

alib2 rreth publikimit audi A3 6 muaj me pare.
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Everything went smoothly.

Thank you very much.

bjornw rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 5+ 6 muaj me pare.
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Everything went smothly, perfect car. Thank you

alessandrom11 rreth publikimit TOYOTA YARIS new199 6 muaj me pare.
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Tutto bene grazie

pasqualef rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 5+Automat 6 muaj me pare.
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Avevamo noleggiato una macchina Yaris diesel, ci viene consegnata (in ritardo) una Chevrolet almeno 2000 benzina, con la scusa che è un’auto più grande che sgangherata è dir poco (se potessi allegherei foto).

A più di metà viaggio ci accorgiamo che nella macchina non erano presenti né libretto di circolazione né assicurazione… Parcheggiamo la macchina nel posteggio coperto dell’hotel e dopo 3 giorni decidiamo di prendere la macchina, ma purtroppo ci accorgiamo che una gomma era completamente a terra, scopriamo quindi che nemmeno il ruotino di scorta era presente.Il cambio della gomma nel gommista più vicino ci costa 100€ con ricevuta.

Quando abbiamo riconsegnato la macchina abbiamo chiesto se fosse stata rimborsabile la spesa. La loro risposta è stata che avremmo dovuto gonfiare le gomme prima di partire e che se abbiamo bucato è colpa nostra.

Morale della favola :

Se noleggiate da loro ricordatevi di gonfiare gomme!

danieleg1 rreth publikimit TOYOTA YARIS 6 muaj me pare.

1-ishit ju qe donit nje makine automatike panvaresisht se kishit rezervuar manuale .

2- zgjodhet shevroletin sepse ishte benzine/gas edhe ju duk me ekonomike

3- dokumentat e makines kane qene ne makine gjate gjithe kohes

4- gomat e automjetit kane qene te reja (vendi ku keni parkuar ka qene i dukujt tjeter edhe ju ka demtuar gomen ) edhe nuk na moret ne telefon per te na pyetur cfare te benit por i hipet makines demtuat gomen e makines edhe diskun (nuk me sollet as gomen e vjeter as fature fiskale .

5. siguracioni juaj nuk mbulonte asnje nga demet e mesiperme

6 . ju lutem para cdo kontrate qe firmosni lexojeni edhe kuptojeni ate , ekipi yne flet edhe italisht edhe anglisht edhe besoj se ju kemi sqaruar gjithcka para se te mernit makine

7- nuk esht vendi edhe momenti per te bere ironite sepse jam i sigurt qe po te kishit mare 100 euroshin do kishit thene fjalet me te bukura , por shof qe fjala juaj kushtoka kaq pak


Reply By quickrenta 6 muaj me pare.
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Everything was great, we got a Golf 5 manual instead of the Subaru, but the Golf was fine as well. Pick-up and drop of was smooth.

The condition of the Golf was fine, a few scratches on the outside - didn’t bother us - and two warning lights on the dashboard, but they didn’t cause any trouble. Most importantly, the people were trustworthy and spoke English well enough. Overall definitely a recommendation but next time I would ask for a proper insurance contract.

niklast1 rreth publikimit SUBARU 6 muaj me pare.

Thank u

Reply By quickrenta 6 muaj me pare.
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Tutto benissimo, grazie mille!!

nivesz rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 6 muaj me pare.
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All good! I recommend

alexandruc rreth publikimit audi A3 6 muaj me pare.
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This is the most worst experience of rent car. They give me an other car the first time golf 5 petrol manual, in catastrophic condition, after 48 h they give me an other car passat patrol automatic and for my order was jetta diesel automatic. I have an accident with it the police make me guilty even the other driver was drunk, and they made me to pay 400 euro without any proof. I felt been scammed because i’m not Albanian. I don’t recommend this platform or this people and i don’t recommend even this country.

mohammedh1 rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN JETTA 6 muaj me pare.

Pike se pari po i pergjigjem kti komenti ne respekt te gjithe klienteve qe rezervojn ne kte platfrom edhe 10 milione turisteve qe kane vizituar Shqiperine deri tani .

Me vjen shum keq qe u perfshite ne nje aksident por ne te gjithe boten fajtor eshte ai qe drejton makinen ne zbritje edhe nuk i jep perparesi mjetit ne ngjitje , mbase ju keni rregulla te tjera ne vendin tuaj por ne Europe kjo eshte A kur mesoni makinen ,

sa per aksidentin tuaj e vertete qe shoferi tjeter ishte i dehur por ai esht arrestuar nga policia (kte ma thate ju se nuk esht detyra ime te merem me palet e treta )

Ne te gjithe Boten ne momentin qe demtoni makinen edhe nuk keni siguracionin full e paguani ate ,

ne fakt ju duhet te na falenderorit qe edhe pas aksidentit ku ju ishit fajtor ne nuk ju lame pa makine por ju vazhduat normalisht pushimet tuaja plus faktit qe ishim ne qe ju derguam free off charge ne airport .

Shqiperia eshte nje vend i lire ku te gjithe touristet kane shpreshur pikepamjet e tyre ne cfaredo lloji incidenti edhe policia Shqiptare perkundrazi nga ajo cfare thoni ju eshte pozitive me turistet .

gjithsesi ju falenderoj qe zgjodhet SHqiperine si destinacion per te kaluar pushimet tuaj .

Reply By quickrenta 6 muaj me pare.
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Un patron honnête, la location s'est très bien passé, je recommande Quick Rent Albania, ils sont imbattables sur les tarifs !

ludovicb1 rreth publikimit X5 2012 6 muaj me pare.

Thank uuu!

Reply By quickrenta 6 muaj me pare.
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All went perfectly

lorenzoc12 rreth publikimit TOYOTA YARIS new199 6 muaj me pare.
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The team was perfect to take care of us if ever we needed something with the car during our trip.

We had a different car than the one booked, but he told us beforehand and it worked out great !

guillaumee rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 5+ 6 muaj me pare.

Thank u

Reply By quickrenta 6 muaj me pare.
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Everything was ok

alinc rreth publikimit audi q7 6 muaj me pare.
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Tout s’est très bien passé je recommande

leor rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 5 M 7 muaj me pare.

Thank u mate , u are wellcome

Reply By quickrenta 7 muaj me pare.
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Tutto perfetto

weedp rreth publikimit MERCEDES ECLASS 7 muaj me pare.
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Wszystko dobrze

lukaszc5 rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN GOLF Automat gri 7 muaj me pare.
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Very good

domenicop rreth publikimit VOLKSWAGEN 794 7 muaj me pare.
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Everything went smoothly, thanks a lot!

cash rreth publikimit BMW 7 muaj me pare.

Thank you

Reply By quickrenta 7 muaj me pare.